Conduct disorder is an issue that occurs in the children who have emotional problems. It is important to recognize this disorder in its early phase, so that later problems are prevented on time. In general, conduct disorder appears in children who had an unhealthy upbringing and grew up under some kind of stress and trauma. Other facts that have an immense influence on children and teenagers are society and schooling. If conduct disorder appears in a child, it makes a child unable to behave in a socially accepted manner.
Conduct Disorder in Children
Other name for conduct disorder is disruptive behavioral disorder. Children who suffer from this type of disorder have often troubles with law and abiding rules. This disorder most frequently appears in children between 9 and 17 years of age and according to statistics, boys suffer more from conductive disorder than girls. A child suffering from conductive disorder presents a kind of danger to the society, other children and animals. It is important to set a proper diagnosis, so that a treatment conducted is done with a success. If not dealt on time with this issue, a child can grow up into an individual that is not aware of its condition.
Causes and Symptoms
Symptoms of a conductive disorder can be apparent even at the early years of live. If a child is over-aggressive and frustrated, it can be an early sign of a conductive disorder. Some of the causes that lead to developing conductive disorder in a child include severe trauma, physical abuse, early rejection from a mother, and unhealthy relations within the family. Also, children to whom parents didn't give attention during growing up or a proper amount of love can develop conductive disorder later. Symptoms that indicate the presence of the conductive disorder in a child are often expelling from school because the problems with law, aggressive behavior, developing addiction to tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc. Children may even become sexually active as a consequence of this condition, and then they become an easy target for sexually transmitted disease.
Conduct Disorder Treatment for Children
It is very difficult to treat a child from conductive disorder. There are professionally educated therapists that can manage children with this disorder, approaching them carefully. Supporting groups and caring family can also help a lot in dealing with this issue, which is why it is very important to look for help if you notice any of these symptoms in your child. If the problem isn’t nipped in the bud, a child may develop into a criminal, causing a lot of stress and anxiety for his family.
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