The Conception Date Calculator
Conception date calculator is not a unique device. Rather, it is a series of tests which can help doctors calculate and predict the time of birth for a baby or the time of the very conception. By using ultrasound, doctors can identify the date of the last menstrual period and, thereby, calculate the conception.
Two Ways of Calculating
Conception date calculations can be carried out in two ways. The first one involves using the due date in order to calculate the conception date, while the second one means using the date of the last menstrual period in order to get the conception date.
Since women are usually not familiar with the date of their conception, the calculation process can sometimes be quite difficult. However, women who have undergone in-vitro fertilization, or any kind of fertility treatment, know the exact conception dates.
During the calculations, doctors are completely aware of the following factors. Firstly, a woman can get pregnant during approximately 5 days in a month. Thus, a sperm stays alive in the female's reproductive track for about 3 to 5 days. Next, ovulation takes place about two weeks before the next menstrual cycle. So, the conception can take place even if the intercourse has taken place several days before the ovulation. Then, the menstrual cycle lasts for about 22 to 44 days, even though the latter case is very rare. Thus, 28 days of a menstrual cycle are taken into account during the calculations. Yet, variations can happen and the baby may arrive a couple of days sooner or earlier than the predicted date.
As for the due date, it is calculated by adding 266 days to the date of fertilization and ovulation. Alternatively, a period of 38 weeks can be used interchangeably. Generally, pregnancies last from 38 to 42 weeks, making 40 weeks an average length. Once the due date is calculated, the whole process of calculating can be reversed, leading to the conception date.
Remember that the date of the conception may vary, depending on the length of the menstrual cycle in a woman.
Is It a Boy or a Girl?!
Once the information about the last ovulation period and the last menstrual period is acquired, Chinese lunar pregnancy calendar can be used for defining the sex of the baby. Also the chromosomes of the sperm carry this information.
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