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Multiple myeloma andthe main symptoms

Multiple myeloma is a medical term for the cancer of whiteblood cells, which are also known as plasma cells. This is why, this type ofcancer is also known as plasma cell myeloma. Plasma cells also help in fighting theinfections by producing antibodies, and they are a very important part of theimmune system of the body, but in patients with multiple myeloma, the number ofthese cells is raised significantly, which may affect the level of antibodiesas well. This disease affects the immune system, kidneys, bones, and red bloodcells, but it does not necessarily cause symptoms, particularly in the earlystages. However, when symptoms are present, they may include pain in the bones,increased level of calcium in the blood, abnormal proteins in blood and urine, tiredness,nausea, excessive thirst, frequent infections, the loss of weight and a numberof neurological symptoms as well. It is important to be aware of the fact that thesesymptoms must not be ignored, particularly if more than one is experienced at the same time, andthat the medical opinion should be sought as soon as possible. Also, it isimportant to know that the majority of these symptoms may indicate some othercondition besides this one, so the patient should not worry in advance and before the diagnosis is set.

Causes of multiplemyeloma

Numerous researches and studies are constantly performed inorder to find out more about it, but the truth is that the real cause ofmultiple myeloma has not been discovered yet. However, the fact is that onlyone abnormal plasma cell is enough to start the whole condition, because theseabnormal cells tend to multiply very quickly, and thus they accumulate, andsooner or later they overwhelm the healthy cells. What makes people moresusceptible to this disease is age, in the first place, because according tothe statistical data, those who are over 50 years old are at much higher risk ofdeveloping it. Other risk factors include race, because black people seem to bemore predisposed to it than others, but it is also true that men are more predisposed to it thanwomen. People who are obese are also a part of the risky group, as well those who are exposed to some kind of radiation, or even insecticides, herbicides and other similar and potentially hazardous products.

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