Dizziness or vertigo
Dizziness or vertigo is a symptom of numerous medical conditions. It can also be induced by certain medications. Apart from that, dizziness can be a normal body reaction to certain conditions such as lack of oxygen. To sum up there is a variety of possible causes of vertigo.
Rapid Heart Beat
If the heart beats faster than usual it can in some occasions result in dizziness. Rapid heart beat can occur during exercise, can be caused by anxiety and can occur in life threatening situations.
Over-breathing also known as hyperventilation is common in panic attacks and similar situations. Over-breathing leads to irregular supply of certain organs and organ systems with oxygen. Rapid change of the level of oxygen results in lightheadedness or dizziness. The dizziness due to hyperventilation in anxiety attacks can be successfully eliminated if one is breathing into a paper bag. This prevents excessive intake of oxygen and consequently reduces the chance of its irregular transfer to certain organs.
Migraines can be another cause of lightheadedness. This symptom is most commonly present before the very attack. In some cases dizziness can be present and the migraine attack does not even have to occur. Dizziness can also occur in other forms of headaches apart from migraines.
Rapid Change of the Position
Dizziness may result as a consequence of rapid change of position. Namely, if one quickly stands up from a stooping position he/she may become dizzy.
Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol consumption is always followed by lightheadedness. In some people it takes a few drinks for this to happen. Others can drink a lot of alcohol before the symptoms of dizziness occur.
There are a lot of medications whose side effects include dizziness. Luckily not all the patients are going to experience this side effect. However, in case that the dizziness occurs one should inform the doctor and the doctor will most probably prescribe appropriate substitute for the original medication.
Improper Oxygen Supply
People who spend a lot of time in crowded rooms with no proper ventilation may feel dizzy. This can be easily explained by insufficient amounts of oxygen.
Low blood sugar can be another cause of lightheadedness.
Insufficient amount of water in the body leads to dehydration. Dehydration is another possible cause of dizziness. This is why everybody should drink plenty of water.
Anemia presents with insufficient number of red blood cells. These blood cells are in charge with oxygen transmission so if they are not present in adequate number the organs are not well-supplied with oxygen. This is the cause of dizziness in anemia.
And finally, dizziness can be present in extreme dieting and some infections such as colds, influenza virus infections or infections of respiratory tract. Even ear infections can result in lightheadedness.
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