The main reason behind fever blisters is Herpes simplex virus 1 infection. This infection is commonly seen after fever, illnesses, excessive body stress and reduced levels of immunity. However, some other factors may contribute to the appearance of fever blisters. These are lack of nutrients, hormonal imbalances or menstruation. Some diseases may be behind this condition, including Crohn's disease, viral infections and excessive emotional and mental stress.
Other Causes of Fever Blisters
Using a toothpaste which contains sodium-lauryl-sulfate as well as gluten sensitivity can trigger fever blisters as well. Furthermore, exposing yourself to excessive sunlight, physical and mental exhaustion, a diet rich in acid or injury to the lips or the gums, all might lead to the development of fever blisters. Finally, cosmetic surgeries and procedures such as dermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing, along with pregnancy, are all factors which may lead to fever blisters too.
Some variants of fever blisters are known as cold sores, appearing on the lips, tongue, inner parts of the cheeks or on the surface of the gums. These growths resemble small blisters, commonly surrounded by inflamed portions of skin. If these blisters burst, they release fluid and form scabs over the affected area.
Keep in mind that any kind of fever blisters triggered by Herpes virus is contagious. Thus, do not kiss people with cold sores, since you might end up with one as well. Fortunately, cold sores disappear in about 7 to 10 days.
Other Facts about Fever Blisters
A type of blisters quite similar to fever blisters may affect the genital area of a person too. Then, this infection is referred to as genital herpes infection.
Keep in mind that there are many possible types and causes of blisters. Thus, before reacting in any way, it is best to have blisters medically examined. Some possible alternative causes of blisters are chickenpox, shingles, bacterial skin infections, scabies, bedbugs or diseases which compromise your immune system.
Moreover, burning the skin or exposing it to head, electricity, harmful chemicals, radiation or friction are all conditions which cause formation of blisters on the surface of your skin as an adverse effect. Even spider bites of certain types are known to result in skin problems which resemble blisters, staying present on your skin for months.
All in all, different types of blisters require different types of treatment. Thus, when you notice fever blisters or some other blisters appearing anywhere on your skin, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Friction blisters may not require any extra assistance and will usually disappear on their own. Yet, if you are not sure about the type of blisters you are having, your doctor may help you.
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