Liver cysts and the main characteristics
Liver cysts are represented in cystic changes of the parenhime tissue of the liver. Etiology, localization and dimensions can vary a lot from case to case, since they can be individual or multiple, affecting any part of the liver, and their content also differs. Complications that might occur because of the cysts are bleeding in the liver, creation of abscess (accumulated pus), creation of rupture in the surrounding tissue and gall bladder channels. Cysts can be positioned superficially, or very deep in the liver tissue.
Causes and types of liver cysts
Causes of cysts in liver can be congenital or acquired in life. Inherited ones are usually in parenchyma and are mostly individual (polycystic liver condition and congenital liver fibrosis). There are also cysts made from biliary channels in liver and this condition is called Caroli syndrome. Inherited include inflammatory cysts that are a result of the bacterial infection. Parasitic cysts include echinoccal and amoeboid cysts, but there are also neoplastic cysts, which can be benign and malign. Post traumatic are those that are a result of some trauma.
Congenital cysts are induced by the disorder of the biliary lymphatic channels in the liver and as a result, individual cysts occur. Depending on the size of the cysts, surrounding tissue can be affected by atrophy and this condition usually does not include symptoms, but in the case of big cysts, blunt pain and discomfort are something usual.Asymptomatic cysts in liver are not treated, while complicated and symptomatic are treated as soon as possible. A cystadenoma of the liver is a very rare tumor and there is a certain risk that malignity can be formed. It is also known for its persistence, its structure is specific, containing several septum, and it should not be mistaken for liver cysts.Cysts in the liver can often be related to polycystic conditions in the liver. This illness is followed with a large number of cysts in liver. In this condition, the function of the liver is preserved, and kidney cysts are also present (they appear first). In most of the cases, cysts are asymptomatic and if their number is large, hepatomegalia might happen or even hypertension in vena portae.Echinococcus of the liver is a cystic illness of the liver caused by taenia (humans get it via meat infected with taenia) and this type of cystic illness is without major signs, but when the cyst becomes big, problems are rupture, infection, allergy, and compression of the surrounding tissue. Surgery is then needed to eliminate this problem.
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