What is Klinefelter syndrome and why does it occur?
Klinefelter syndrome is a medical term for the condition that is typical of males only, and these males have an extra X chromosome in the majority of their cells. The condition is also known as XXY condition, because the males in question have an XXY chromosome pattern instead of XY. The fact is that this condition is not at all rare; what’s more, it is one of the most frequent chromosome abnormalities when it comes to humans. There is a wide range of symptoms that are related to this condition, but not all the men will experience the same. On the other hand, a number of men do not have to experience the symptoms at all, and this depends on the amount of testosterone in the body, the age at the moment of diagnosing the disorder, and several other factors.
What are the main symptoms of Klinefelter syndrome?
Since Klinefelter syndrome may affect three areas of development, all the symptoms can be divided into three groups.
As for the physical symptoms, those typical of babies are weak muscles and insufficient strength, which is a reason why they begin to sit up and walk later than it is usual. Since their body does not produce enough testosterone, this causes their body to be taller, with less muscles, and less facial and body hairs. Due to the same reason, they will experience infertility in the greatest majority of cases, because even though they can have perfectly normal sex lives, their bodies fail to produce enough or any sperm. It is also possible that although they are taller, their hips will be broader, breasts larger, and they will have lower level of energy in comparison to other boys. It is typical of these men to be more prone to various health conditions starting from tooth decay, to vein diseases, osteoporosis, and a number of autoimmune diseases.As for the symptoms that affect the development of language, they are very likely to experience problems with reading and writing, processing what they hear, expressing their thoughts, particularly in the childhood.The symptoms and signs that are related to the social development usually refer to the fact that these children are quiet and not demanding, and as they grow up, their level of self-confidence is poor, they are less active, and very obedient. However, these problems are usually typical of the period until they become adults, since with time, they learn how to deal with everything and they may lead perfectly normal lives.
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