Vaginal bleeding is very common after the procedure calledhysterectomy, but when the period from 6 to 8 weeks after the surgery passes,this bleeding will start to decrease. But there is a chance that the bleedingcontinues and in this case individual needs visit a hospital. The bleeding caneven increase and this suggests more serious problem, along with the freshbleeding source, which is indicated by the bright red blood.
The doctormust be visited if any surgery is followed by a bleeding because this cansuggest certain problems, along with the blood in the urine. It is normal to experience light spotting or bleeding after the hysterectomy, but surgical repair should be done if the bleeding is heavy. This problem maybe even worse if internal suture has been torn and this is indicated by thebright red color bleeding. Period from 6 to 8 weeks after the hysterectomy needs to pass in order to havesexual intercourse, but only if the bleeding has ceased. You need to see adoctor if the bleeding occurs after the intercourse or if pain during theintercourse is present, since this should not happen. Vaginal dryness can occur during theintercourse, so a woman should use a lubricant. Incisions need to heal and timeneeded for this is not set but for bleeding is - from 6 to 8 weeks, and bleedingshould not happen once this period ends. The sutures can open up if a women squats,bends or lifts heavy things, and this will lead to bleeding. Healing can beslowed down by certain medical conditions, such as hypertension and bleeding.Blood clots can occur and chances of this can be reduced with the help of theblood thinners, and this is why they are commonly given after the surgeries.They can reduce heavy bleeding and reduce the chances of development of blood clots.
Bleeding canbe monitored for several days in the hospital if the doctors expect this tohappen. Blood transfusion is needed in some cases. Bleeding once the healing fully ends may suggest a serious problem. Checkupsare needed for the women who had hysterectomy in order to detect any spottingor bleeding. Monthly bleeding shouldnot occur if the cervix and uterus have been removed since the lining that should be shed is not present anymore, and themonthly menses, of course. So see a doctor if bleeding occurs and you had yourcervix and uterus removed. Once the hysterectomy has been done, educateyourself about the issue, so you can react in the appropriate manner.
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