When a woman is the pregnant there is an array of worries that go through her mind every second of the day. One of those worries is birth defects. There are many and they can happen due to hereditary abnormalities, chromosomal disorders or genetic disorders. On the positive side, the technology of today’s world allow us to detect the early signs and some of them can be treated quite easily. The childbirth defects are medically described as the abnormalities in the baby’s structure, function or their body metabolism that exist at birth. The majority of the birth defects occur during the initial three months of the pregnancy. A lot of parents believe that birth defects are incurable and fatal, however, this is untrue. Some birth defects can be treated straight away after birth and now and then during the pregnancy period itself. Prenatal screening and prenatal care is a vital rung that can offer clues about any birth defects.The Facts about Birth Defects
If a baby has a birth defect it can mean they will be mentally or physically disabled or sometimes it can mean fatality. The number of birth defects is large, around four thousands types that range from minor to serious. Everyone in thirty three babies is, unfortunately, born with some form of a birth defect according to the American college of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Each year in the US there are more than one hundred and fifty thousand babies born with a birth defect.Common Birth Defects Catalog
Anencephaly is a birth fault that happens because of neural tube defect which means the baby is born devoid of the forebrain. Spina bifida is a small birth defect that happens when there is an unfinished closure of the embryonic neural tube and this in turn makes an opening in the vertebrae. Arhinencephaly / Holoprosencephaly is a chief birth defect which means there is an irregular growth of the budding nervous system. It basically means it builds an additional head at the end of the baby's body.
Other Common Birth Defects Listing
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Small intestine atresia / stenosis, Cleft lip, Coarctation of aorta, undefined sex, Oesophageal atresia / stenosis with or without fistula, Renal agenesis, Anorectal atresia / stenosis, Hypospadias, Diaphragmatic hernia, Cystic kidney, Polydactyly, preaxial, Gastroschisis, Limb reduction defects, Omphalocele, Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18. There are some more rare birth defects such as Aglossia, in which a baby is born without a tongue.
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