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Acne and Beta Carotene

There are daily values and dosages that a human body requires. If we talk about vitamin A, the daily values needed by the adult body are around 5000 IU. Beta carotene is required by the human body and the daily value is around 5 to 20 mg. These numbers are not established and they should be considered as guidelines. The beta carotene is a form of vitamin A and this is why it can prevent and reduce the acne appearance. The beta carotene is broken down in the human body to vitamin A, which is then stored in the liver. If taken in high dosages, the vitamin A can become toxic, while beta carotene cannot. But, generally they are very similar and some may say that they are nearly the same. If you take more then 500 000 IU of vitamin A, skin irritation, hair loss, gastrointestinal problems, joint pain, vomiting and severe headaches may occur. This can also cause great problems, like birth defects, if these dosages are taken by a pregnant woman.

Acne Problem

The substance we are talking about in this text can be used for treating acne. In the cause of several weeks, some say that you can even take from 300 000 to 500 000 IU during one day. But, know that 50 000 IU are considered to cause overdose. The overdose, when experienced, will exhibit itself after six hours, and it can lead to liver damage and enlarged spleen. The overdose with beta carotene is rare, but it can lead to orange skin discoloration, usually on the soles, palms and the face. The problem of overdose is eliminated upon eliminating intake of beta carotene supplements.

If you have acne, vitamin A will help you. It will aid the tissue growth of the new skin and it will make the acne lesions heal much faster. The vitamin A will also make the immune system stronger, since it is an antioxidant, and it will fight the acne caused by bacteria. IT will eliminate the bacteria that can lead to pustules located under or on the skin. The vitamin A snatches the free radicals and improves the immune system. These effects will make the acne provoking bacteria go away by sending white blood cells to fight with them. Some studies state that the effect of the vitamin A can be enhanced by taking higher dosages, but this is not confirmed. Take this information with extreme consideration.

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