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Vitamin D absorption

A lack of Vitamin D can lead to an increased risk of bone problems, among other diseases. Scientists agree upon this fact. This particular vitamin is an important ingredient for humans' body because it maintains calcium and phosphorous levels. It plays a part in the absorption of calcium from digested food into the blood stream. This way it keeps the bones strong. Kidney and liver also play a significant role in the absorption of this vitamin. Vitamin D comes in two major forms. Ergocalciferol or Vitamin D2 is one of them and it comes from plants. Cholecalciferol or Vitamin D3 is the other and it comes from exposure to morning sunlight and certain types of food.

Importance of vitamin D

Besides the fact that it supplies calcium to the bones, vitamin D plays a huge part in the bone growth and bone remodeling by osteoblasts and osteoclasts. In children it prevents rickets, and osteomalacia in adults. Vitamin D is included in the fight against depression, prostate and breast cancer and osteoporosis, among other diseases. It betters anti-tumor activity and the immune system in general.

Vitamin D absorption

When the human body is exposed to ultra violet rays from the sun, it makes vitamin D. This vitamin exists in a person's body in various forms but some of those forms are pretty inactive. Animal foods are known to have D3 and most milk products have vitamin D. Fish like tuna, salmon or herrings contain a lot of vitamin D. If there is not enough intake of vitamin D in a person's diet, problems may arise. Not enough exposure to sunlight may cause problems as well. Also, steroids can lower calcium absorption and even impair vitamin D metabolism. This is because steroids are taken as anti-inflammatory medications.

Recommended Daily Intake of Vitamin D

Scientists believe that a person should take a dose of 4,000 IU (international units) from all sources. The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine says that infants up to one year should take 25 mcg, or 1, 000 IU, and that children, adults and pregnant women should take a daily dose of 50 mcg, which is 2, 000 IU.

Vitamin D absorption rate

Seniors, people who suffer from Alzheimer's and post-menopausal women are usually the ones who lack vitamin D. In order to increase the absorption rate, liquid supplements are prescribed. Concerns about the lack of vitamin D, means that a person will be able to absorb 10-15% of calcium in his diet, while those with a proper amount of vitamin D absorb up to 30%.

What helps in Vitamin D Absorption?

Liquid vitamin supplements or pills and a balanced diet with vitamin D are the first things a person can do. Maintaining correct weight and keeping liver and kidney healthy is important as well. Modern lifestyle affects vitamin D absorption as well. The body receives ultraviolet light through the eyes and skin, so people should wear fewer clothes, when possible. But over exposure to the sun should be avoided as well.

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