Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is one form of dementia. The condition progresses gradually and the symptoms and signs tend to become more severe over time. In people suffering from Alzheimer's dementia there is an evident memory impairment as well as problems with language, decision making ability, judgment and personality changes.
Age and family history are two major factors that contribute to the onset of the disease. As the person gets older he/ she is at increased risk to develop Alzheimer's disease. Apart from the previously mentioned there are several more factors that contribute to the disease and they include longstanding high blood pressure, history of head trauma and female gender.
There are two types of Alzheimer's disease, the condition with early onset and late onset. In early onset of Alzheimer's the symptoms and signs develop before the age of 60. This is not so common type of Alzheimer's disease and it tends to progress rapidly. Early onset of Alzheimer's disease can run in families and it is associated with certain genes. Late onset Alzheimer's disease is the more frequent and affects people older than 60. This condition may also run in families but there is no strong gene connection.
Can We Slow Progression of Alzheimer's Disease?
In order to slow down the progression of the disease one must understand that Alzheimer's disease is a serious health condition and there is need for proper and adequate heath care. Apart from regular intake of medications a person is due to pay attention and boost brain's capacity.
Many neurologist offer two treatments, one with prescription drug donepezil and the other which includes vitamin E. Donepezil increases the level of acetylcholine in the body while vitamin E represents a very powerful antioxidant able to reduce the destruction of brain cells.
Huperzine A can slow memory loss without side effects. The effects of huperzine A are similar to effects of donepezil but there are no side effects such as gastrointestinal upset and liver damage that normally occur in case of intake of donezepil. This substance can effectively block breakdown of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter of great importance for memory.
Phosphatidylserine is a substance capable of boosting mental capacity. It can increase regeneration of the outer layer of neurons and improve mental capacity of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
And finally, already mentioned vitamin E is highly effective against free radicals that normally cause damage to body cells. The vitamin is also good for regeneration of the areas on neurons at which neurotransmitters relay massages from one neuron to another. Patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease are recommended 2000 IU of vitamin E per day.
Apart from the previously mentioned a patient is supposed to stay active, engage in regular physical activity and develop healthy relationship with people from his/ her surrounding.
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