Alcoholism, or dependence on alcohol, is an extremely disabling addictive disorder characterized by obsessive and unrestrained consumption of alcohol. Alcoholism may affect one’s health, relationships and social reputation. Overcoming the alcohol addiction may be a hard task, but it is achievable only if the patient is settled to make a change. However, it is important to get the support from the family, friends and the society.
Recovering from alcohol abuse
Admitting the problem is the first step to successful healing. There are a lot of treatment options available for those willing to recover. One of the most advisable options would be to join an alcohol treatment center. Rehabilitation programs, offered by those centers, will provide essential therapeutic treatment and control.
First step of the treatment usually involves restraining from alcohol. This is the most difficult part of the rehabilitation process because it may cause many highly unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Patients usually complain about headaches, shaking and tremors, nervousness, gastrointestinal problems, restiveness, diarrhea and stomach contractions, elevated heart rate and hypertension, lack of concentration, moodiness and melancholy.
This is the most inconvenient experience and the hardest level of the recovery program. Medical experts from an alcohol treatment center will help to manage the symptoms effectively. It is important to stay strong in the intention to stop drinking and run through the period of 4-5 days, before the symptoms gradually start to collapse.
The first stage of the rehabilitation will help the patient to detoxify the body from the alcohol. However, alcoholism is not just about a physical addiction. It is also a complex social disorder, which demands a lot of devotion and commitment. Because, there is no cure for alcoholism, managing a healthy life style becomes an ongoing task and challenge for all of those willing to attain alcohol recovery.
Helpful tips
Once patients are out of the rehabilitation center, the urge for alcohol often comes back. It is considered to be quite easy to control the addiction in the well managed surroundings, but it becomes a real challenge in a normal everyday life. No research study with proper methodology has ever shown that an alcoholic can return to controlled drinking. Here are some good advices to start with:Get rid of the temptations by removing all of the alcohol and other drink reminders from the surroundings.Let everybody know about the decision to recover from alcoholism and ask for the support.Patients willing to recover should ban the alcohol from home and avoid places and events where alcohol is being served.Patients should distance themselves from people unwilling to support their recovery, even by the cost of losing some friends or spoiling certain social relations.
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