Acid Reflux Info
According to many people stress is one of the causes of acid reflux. About 50% of acid reflux patients find stress to cause their heartburn. Different things are stressful for different people. Some may experience trouble if they have some financial problems, but others could react in the same way to social and work conflicts or unpleasant environment. Emotional problems may also be experienced as stressful and cause heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux.
There are several possible explanations what happens during some stressful event and how it can lead to acid reflux. Stress may affects us on a psychological level and stop our digestive system. Slowing of this system is known to leave undigested food and stomach acid in the stomach longer than needed. In stress, our body will send more energy to the important organs in the body, such as the heart, lungs and the muscles, so there is less than normal amount of energy left for the stomach. Digestion is hindered and as the result, patients may experience hyper-acidity and consequently acid reflux andheartburn.
Another reason that identifies the stress as the major contributor to acid reflux is the change in behavior and eating it brings. People suffering from stress may either deliberately or unconsciously start to eat “comfort food”, especially late in the evening. Excess smoking and consummation of alcohol are also frequently associated with people suffering from stress. These habits have been identified as the triggers of over-production of stomach acid.
Ease the Stress
Acid reflux may be quite a problem, both for people suffering from acute and chronic form of this medical condition. To be able to cope with it, it’s best to try to resolve the stress accumulated and generated in yourlife.
Take the pressure off yourself and try to do just one thing at the time. Several techniques have also been found to work. Try meditation, tai chi, hatha yoga or chi gong to ease the stress. Self-hypnosis may also be good for you. If you are more physical type of a person – exercise. Do something you consider fun and entertaining and the stress will be long gone.
Optimistic attitude in all occasions is also beneficial. Positive thinking actually works, so all you need to learn and do is to focus on good things in your life. Talking to a friend and/or having a laugh may also help you. Forget the idea you need to control every single thing in your life and you will feel better already. If you don’t have a pet, consider taking one because they are well known to cure the stress.
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