People who are not capable of holding their urine often experience this problem taking place hand-in-hand with some other emotional and psychological issues such as depression and anxiety. Depression and weak bladder are often connected. Basically, the former may trigger the latter and vice versa.
Bed-Wetting and Depression
Depression is a condition which manifests through strong feelings of negativity, sorrow, sadness, grief and overwhelming despair. Thus, depressed people may be prone to staying isolated from others, suffering from low self-esteem and being physically inactive.
As for possible causes of this condition, there can be many, from a negative self-image and traumas from the past, to current physiological states. Depressed people become such due to their extremely high expectations and efforts in the past. Usually, these efforts have not reached success and have, therefore, triggered despair and negativity in the form of depression. This state of mind may easily reflect on one's health, manifesting through bed-wetting or bladder inconsistency too.
The Impact of Depression
People who feel satisfied are known to have a better quality of life. However, depressed people lack this feeling due to their previous experience. Thus, they suffer from depression which can possibly result in inconsistency.
Subsequently, by mending some lifestyle problems and choosing healthier, more productive habits, one may escape the clutches of depression, recovering from bed-wetting too.
Treatment for Bed-Wetting
There are three major types of treatment for enuresis. Basically, if an underlying physical health condition is triggering the urination problem, drugs and surgery may deal with these. However, surgery is always considered to be the last resort, especially when women are suffering from enuresis, due to the invasive characteristic of this approach. Rather, exercises and medicamentous treatment are the most common steps which can restore the bladder's former functions.
If an urinary tract infection is behind enuresis, it needs to be properly diagnosed and adequately treated. Behavior modification, surgery, medications and mechanical devices, all can be used for treatment purposes in case of an urinary tract infection.
However, working on one's self-efficacy has been known to result in a significant progress towards overcoming enuresis, especially when this condition is triggered by psychological factors. Encouraging the patient to battle depression or other forms of negative expectations can make all the difference when it comes to restoring former functions of his/her bladder. The problem behind enuresis needs to be found, understood and analyzed carefully, before any kind of treatment can take place and be effective.
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