AARP is also known as the American Association of Retired Persons. This is a non-governmental organization in the United States that is dedicated to improve the quality of life of elderly population, people age 50 and over. This organization provides wide range of benefits, special products and services for their members. One of the things they offer is specialized health insurance policies.
AARP Dental Insurance
AARP Dental Insurance is a dental insurance plan provided by AARP exclusively for their members. AARP offers this insurance policy in association with Delta Dental Insurance. The policy basically covers all of the dental expenses for their members and as an additional benefit it offers access to PPO dental plans from Delta Dental. There are two basic Delta Dental plans, and one PPO alternative. Here is a quick overview for each of them.Delta Plan A
This plan covers 100% of all diagnostic and preventative dental procedures. Moreover, it offers coverage for 80% of periodontal maintenance cleanings, denture repairs, denture relining and rebase. Fillings, oral surgery and root canals are covered by 50%. This plan also offers 100% dental accident benefits, but has a lifetime maximum of $1000. After a year, this insurance plan will offer 50% coverage on all periodontal procedures, dentures, crown and cast restorations and temporomandibular joint dysfunctions.
Delta Plan B
This plan covers only 80% on diagnostics and preventive care and 50% on periodontal maintenance, denture repairs, oral surgery, fillings and endodontic. Moreover, this plan doesn’t include any kind of coverage in case of dental accident.
PPO Dental Plan
Under this plan, individuals may choose preferred dental care provider and switch dentists at their own will, without being obliged to notify the insurance provider. Members are also free to choose out-of-network dental locations.
Who is Eligible for AARP Dental Insurance plan?
AARP Dental Insurance plan is on disposal for all members of AARP organization. Becoming a member of AARP will also make possible for a member to enroll other members of the family into this insurance plan. Members can choose to enroll their partners and dependent children under the age of 26, or children who are disabled. The whole family can get group coverage if only one of the family members is an active member of this organization. The minimum enrollment period is one year, but organization offers a trial period of 30 days after which a person can withdraw the enrollment and get refund. The only case in which this is not possible is when family members have used even a single benefit of the plan.
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