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The way of treating gastritis varies because of different causes. Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs or consummation of alcohol can make acute gastritis happen, according to that if consummation stops, gastritis stops also. Bacteria-caused chronic gastritis is treated by reducing the number of bacteria. But in most cases, gastritis is treated in order to deal with stomach acid.

Medications to Treat Stomach Acid

Infuriating the flesh and reddening in stomach acid, causes pain. Because of that, almost all treatment of gastritis is based to neutralize and decrease stomach acid.


They can be found in the form of tablets or liquids (Maalox, Mylanta, others).

Acid blockers

If antacids do not work it is recommended to use some of the following drugs: cimetidine (Prilosec), ranitidine (Prevaci), nizatidine (Aciphex ), famotidine (Nexium).

Medications to shut down acid 'pumps'

These type of medicaments works in a way to shut down little pumps that work in cells that produce the acid. (omeprazole (Prilosec), lansoprazole (Prevacid), rabeprazole (Aciphex) and esomeprazole (Nexium).

The membranes lining the stomach wall protect it from acid and germs. If this protective lining is irritated or damaged, it can become inflamed. Long-lasting inflammations can further damage the stomach lining and lead to stomach (gastric) ulcers. Inflammation of the stomach lining is called gastritis. It's usually caused by certain bacteria or the regular use of anti-inflammatory painkillers.
  • Gastritis is common in Germany. It is estimated that 20 out of 100 people have acute gastritis at some point in their lives. Most women get gastritis between the ages of 45 and 64, and most men develop it over the age of 65. The risk of gastritis generally increases with age.
  • If gastritis becomes chronic and the membrane lining is always inflamed, you might become anemic too. Cancerous tumors may develop, but that is very rare.
  • If you notice that certain foods, stress, alcohol or nicotine make the stomach problems worse, you can try changing your diet, avoiding alcohol, quitting smoking and/or reducing stress in your daily life. If these lifestyle changes are not enough to relieve the symptoms, medication is considered.
  • Gastritis is typically treated with acid-lowering medication. Depending on the type and severity of the symptoms, the following drugs can be used: Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like omeprazole or pantoprazole reduce the production of stomach acid. H2 blockers such as ranitidine and famotidine also reduce acid production. Antacids like aluminium hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide neutralize the acid already in your stomach.
  • If the gastritis is caused by a Helicobacter infection, proton pump inhibitors are combined with two or three antibiotics.
  • If it's caused by a painkiller, you can consult your doctor about switching to a different medication or combining the painkiller with an acid-lowering drug. Should an NSAID have to be taken regularly, it's possible to take it along with acid-lowering medication from the start, as a precaution.
✓ Fact confirmed: Gastritis: Overview Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); June 28, 2018

Treatment of Helicobacter Pylori Infection

To treat this infection doctors can combine a few antibiotics with a pump inhibitor. Antibiotics deals with bacteria and the proton pump inhibitor relieves pain, deals with soreness, and also can help with antibiotics efficiency.


Here is some good advice to downgrade the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection. Clever eating is very good if gastritis occurs as well as avoiding food that irritates and is very spicy. Boundary or complete stop of drinking alcohol, quitting of smoking and stop taking pills that can make gastritis and use ones containing acetaminophen.

Risk factors

Most common reasons for gastritis are :

H. pylori infection. Bacterial infection that can be found in people all over the world.

Customary use of Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug, such as Aspirin, for preventing heart attack or just to make the headache go away because constant use of those medicaments irritates your stomach and brings gastritis.

Older age is the age when stomach problems occur and older people have Helicobacter pylori infection or autoimmune disorders and that is the factor for gastritis.


If gastritis is not treated for some time it can cause the soreness of the stomach or stomach bleeding or even stomach cancer. It is advisable to speak with your doctor if the symptoms do not go away even so you use some treatment for gastritis.

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