Abdominal adhesions?
Theseare bands of tissue that may be formed between tissues in the abdomen and organs in the abdomen. In normal circumstances, the surface of all internal tissues and organs is smooth and slippery surfaces, as this allows them to move without friction when the body is moving. Abdominal adhesions may cause sticking of the tissues and organs to each other. Abdominal adhesions are one of the frequent causes of intestinal obstruction, and although most cases of abdominal adhesions have no symptoms and people who have them suffer no problems, some abdominal adhesions may, as noted, cause either a serious obstruction of the intestines, and may even cause infertility in women.
Causesof abdominal adhesions?
Th typical cause of abdominal adhesions is abdominal surgery, as most people who undergo abdominal surgery develop adhesions. People who underwent procedures on the lower abdomen and pelvis are particularly prone to developing adhesions. Adhesions can grow over time and begin to cause problems only long since the surgery had been done.
Other,although less common, causes are inflammations that are not related to surgery, such as appendicitis, inflammations caused by radiation treatment in cancer patients, or various gynecological or abdominal infections. In very rare cases, abdominal adhesions may appear without any obvious cause.
Intestinalobstruction and adhesions?
Rememberhow easy it is to twist a garden hose? It is even easier to do so with the intestines. They may be twisted, pulled out of place or kinked by the adhesions and this may cause intestinal obstruction. This condition is very serious as it blocks, partially or completely, passage of food and feces through the intestines. Complete obstruction requires immediate medical treatment and can often be resolved only bysurgery.
Abdominaladhesions and infertility?
Asis the case with the intestines, presence of abdominal adhesions can pull, kink or twist fallopian tubes and thus prevent the fertilized egg to reach the uterus, where it normally develops in the fetus. Since the egg cannot reach the uterus, it withers and dies.
Symptomsof abdominal adhesions
Frequentsymptoms include chronic pain in the abdomen or in the pelvis, which is similar to that caused by other complications in the abdominalregion.
Symptomsof an intestinal obstruction
Theseare strong abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, vomiting, constipation, swelling of the abdomen and inability to pass gas. If you have such symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention.
Mostadhesions that are not life threatening are relieved with a low/residue diet or liquid diet. Surgery is used only when life of the patient is in immediate danger, and avoided whenever possible to prevent development of more adhesions.
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