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Secondary breast cancer is a cancer which originated in the breast but ended up spreading to some other part of the body. This happens because the tumor consists of a certain number of cancer cells, some of which might sometimes separate from the original tumor and move on to another body part.

Symptoms of secondary breast cancer obviously depends on the part of the body it has to spread. However, if there are some general symptoms which could indicate that this has happened, although they could also signify a simple cold or flu. Some of these symptoms are weariness and exhaustion, as well as poor appetite. These also might be just the side effects of the chemotherapy for the primary cancer.

On the other hand there are a few common places that breast cancer might spread to, such as lymph nodes, bones, liver, lungs or brain.

If the breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, one may feel swelling or bumps somewhere on the body. In this case, the cancer cells often form a tumor in the armpit which could lead to the whole arm, and even hand, swelling. These bumps are usually painless if the swelling doesn’t go too far. If it does, they can be quite painful and uncomfortable.

What bone cancer does is provoke a relatively moderate pain in a certain bone, which could easily be mistaken for a strained muscle or something similar. Because it damages the bones, it also weakens them, creating difficulty for one to move and even sleep at night. It also makes the bones more susceptible to injuries and breaking.

Should breast cancer spread to the liver, the symptoms of nausea, poor appetite and swelling and ache in the area around the abdomen will arise.

Another type of cancer which comes from breast cancer is lung cancer. The most obvious symptoms are coughing and shortness of breath. Shortness of breath may seem quite alarming sometimes since it can be quite intense. Fortunately, there are methods to deal with it while treating lung cancer.

Perhaps the most dangerous place the cancer can spread to is the brain. The basic symptoms for this type of cancer are headache and nausea. Even though the brain is able to function while it’s affected with cancer, it will pose problems for the actions that the affected parts control. For example, numbness or weakness in a particular part of the body, or issues with memory and behaviors that are not very likely for the individual, and sometimes even problems with vision.

These symptoms do not sound very extreme and that is why it is important to consult a doctor in case of any of them, although the original cancer may be in remission. One should feel the presence of a secondary cancer be the case, the treatment will be much more effective if it is discovered in its early stages.

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