The symptoms of mental illness differs depending on the severity of the problem. In this article, we will inform you of the most common symptoms of mental disorder in general.
The problems which could be seen as signs of mental disorder could be arranged into a several groups:
Problems with thinkingProblems with feelingsSocializing problemsProblems with functioningProblems at homeLack of self careOnly one symptom by itself is not enough to determine the presence of a mental disorder. However, the mental disorder is indicated by the occurrence of more symptoms joined together. We do not cover all the existing symptoms here, but only some associated with depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar and schizophrenia.
Problems With Thinking
If a person can't remember information, can't think abstractly, if he has trouble concentrating, is easily distracted and has to work hard to solve problems, these are the indications of problems with thinking as a sign of a mental illness. Some mental illnesses are followed by fictitious perception, which may include perceptual distortions, like seeing uncommonly intense colors or hearing noisy sounds, hearing voices or some strange hidden messages on TV or radio and having disrupted perception of time, when present and past is jumbled.
Problems With Feelings
Different problems with feelings appear with different types of mental disorder. We're presenting some of the symptoms associated with depression, anxiety and bipolar mania.
Depression symptoms:
Sleeping disorders: shortage of sleep, interrupted sleep or excessive sleep. The inability to make decisions, to focus, or to think clearlyFeeling of guilt over unimportant thingsFeeling of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessnessInvasive suicidal thoughts Shortfall of interest and pleasure in most things
Anxiety symptoms:
Feeling worried, anxious and afraid of everyday thingsEvading ordinary activities, like grocery shopping or taking the bussHaving disturbing memories or nightmares of past eventsFeeling unpleasant when surrounded by peopleContinuously nervous and overly watchful Obsessed with repetitive and ritualistic actions
Bipolar mania symptoms:
Feeling euphoric, excited, exceedingly self-assured Being pretentious about one's abilities, talents, appearance and wealthBeing easily annoyedHaving too much energy and needing little sleepSpeaking very quickly and being difficult to interrupt Touchy almost constantly
Socializing problems
Having very small number of friends, being overcritical or worshipful, being worried, concerned and uneasy
amongst other people, expressing verbal or physical aggression or even being unable to cope with people, are the signs concerning social life, which could be showing some kind of mental disorder.Problems with functioning
If a person has some kind of mental disorder, he can show some of these symptoms, when functioning is concerned: the inability for concentration or effective working, getting tired of things and quiting, being easily annoyed in normal everyday situations, having trouble cooperating with other people.
Problems at home
Some symptoms of mental disorder can induce trouble in family life. Some of these are: having difficulty with doing everyday chores, not respecting needs of other family members, continuously starting arguments and fights.
Lack of self care
These symptoms concern the person's attitude towards himself. They include: not only taking care of physical health, poor management of finances, vehicles or insurance, neglecting housework, appearance and personal hygiene.
When a person has problems with one type of mental disorder, for example, depression, it doesn't mean he can't have symptoms associated with other types of disorders, but the most prominent symptom can be feeling of guilt over unimportant things, and that is the symptom of depression.
The only way to determine the presence of a serious mental problem is to visit your psychologist.
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