After the initial outburst of theswine flu epidemic, it has been reported that, when children are taken intoconsideration, the complications are much more severe, since the directconsequence is a higher death rate from this type of flu. The reports ofthe Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta statethat those individuals who find themselves below the 25 years-old markare under direct threat. Numerous other studies have also concluded thatthe danger comes not only from the H1N1 virus itself, but also from thecombination of influenza with other kinds of infection, such as pneumonia orstrep infections. The most recent study, concentrated around six childrenwho unfortunately died after becoming ill with this type of flu, revealed thatthe presence of the second infection was the more dangerous one.
Therefore, as a precautionmeasure, the CDC and World Health Organization have been so eager to point outthe necessity of immunization of children older than six moths. Applied toeveryday life, this means that all children over six months, together with theadults below 25 years of age, should be vaccinated with the standard vaccine orin cases of some children, a nasal spray should be used. One problemarises, though. After the survey was conducted, the results revealed that only40% of the parents are ready to have their child vaccinated. Having thisin mind, those parents who aren’t in favor of the vaccine should be alert andwatch for the signs such as fever, cough, body aches, headache andfatigue. In addition to these, there were also reports of diarrhea and vomiting.
Given that the younger people arein greater danger, the CDC especially emphasizes the need to momentarily visita doctor in case any of the above symptoms are present. The two medicationswhich have already been approved are Tami flu and Rienzi, and the first isavailable in the form of a pill while the second is available in the form of apowder that is inhaled. But before giving your child any of the two, you shouldfirst read the instruction. The most important one is that both medications areto be administered within the first two days of the onset of the illness. Butthe CDC has also confirmed that, in many cases, the medications have effecteven if administered immediately after this initial period.
The group of people who are moresusceptible to complications caused by swine fly includes children below twoyears of age, adults of 65 years of age and above, pregnant women and peoplewho suffer from certain chronic medical condition or with a weak immune system.In case the condition worsens, signs that should be looked for in childrenare troubles with breathing and bluish skin color, but alarming is also ifa child does not take in enough fluids, or if it does not want to be held. Theimprovement of the symptoms occurs, but soon afterward, the symptoms returnwith fever and intense cough, and sometimes they are even followed by a rash.In adults the attention should be paid if shortness of breath is noticed, orpain and pressure in the chest or abdominal region. Dizziness, and frequentvomiting should not be ignored either.
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