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Amblyopia is an eye disorder also known as lazy eye. This condition is not to be confused with other similar eye disorders, such as strabismus or squinted eye. In case of lazy eye or amblyopia problem is with a brain anomaly dysfunction, associated with visual system. In cases of strabismus, eyes are not aligning together properly.

For both of these cases, lazy eye surgery is one of the very efficient options in successfully treating this eye disorder, but it is only recommended after all other treatments have failed.

In cases of amblyopia, affected eye does not send a clear image of what it see to the visual centre in the brain, due to an undeveloped visual nerve in the eye. The consequence of this is that one of the eyes develops weaker vision. In those cases, surgery is only recommended in advance stages of amblyopia, but in all other cases other non surgical methods are recommended to try first, especially with little children.

Recommended and best method for cases of amblyopia in smaller children is to try to train a weaker eye by wearing eye patch on healthy eye several hours per day. Other method is wearing corrective glasses or contact lenses.

In cases that all of those methods do not give satisfying results, surgery is performed. In cases of lazy eye or amblyopia, surgery is called intraocular surgery or IOL. This surgical procedure implies surgical correction of the refraction of the affected eye. Although eye surgical intervention is usually successful, the whole outcome of the surgery is highly unpredictable because the problematic visual centre in the brain still remains untreated.

There is also a third option in less advanced cases of ocular amblyopia, and that is a laser eye surgery, which removes the cataract of the affected eye. Today technology for this surgical procedure is much advanced but there is a necessary post operative period for eye adjustment and training.

In cases of another lazy eye disorder called strabismus, if it is left untreated, it could lead or progress to amblyopia. Usual treatments for cases of strabismus, especially in advanced stage, are a combination of vision therapy, surgical procedures and use of glasses or prisms.

Surgical procedures for strabismus cases are very common, and it can be done for cosmetic reasons, as well. It changes the position of extra ocular muscles in the affected eye, aligning it together with the other eye. This surgical procedure gives the eye a normal appearance and improves eye alignment and functions.

Surgical procedures in cases of lazy eye is considered non evasive and very little painful. It takes only hours to finish, and the cost in the U.S. is between 1.000 – 3.000 USD. For post surgical recovery procedures, it is best to consult your doctor.

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