Introduction to stomach ulcers
When a person has a stomach ulcer, the number one symptom will be a burning pain in the abdominal area.
A stomach ulcer is also referred to as a peptic ulcer and is caused by erosions in the gastrointestinal tract, which is usually caused by the acid content of the stomach.
It is a condition that can be very painful.
When the acid comes in contact with the ulcer, this is when the pain commences.
Even though the most people believe that these ulcers occur in the stomach, it is not really true, because they actually form in the first 12 inches of the small intestines.
There are many different causes and symptoms for stomach ulcers and they can often lead to weight loss, a loss of appetite and vomiting, in many instances.
Obviously, the main and most direct cause of a stomach ulcer and the ensuing pain is the destruction of the gastric lining in the stomach and the small intestine by the acidic contents of the stomach. The acid is in the stomach and is a part of the digestive juices that are used to break down the food that a person is eating. When there is too much of the acid being produced, the stomach ulcer can worsen.
Another possible cause of the stomach ulcer is a bacterial infection, however, it can also be caused by an injury to the stomach lining or a weakening of the mucous that defends the stomach.
People can also get ulcers from abusing anti-inflammatory medications and from smoking. Stomach ulcers could arise as a symptom of stomach cancer as well.
SymptomsOne of the first signs or symptoms that will be pointing to the fact that a person has an ulcer will be heartburn. Heartburn is a burning sensation that is felt in the chest area and the best way to relieve it is to drink some cold milk or take some antacids.
Another common symptom is general pain in the abdomen. The pain occurs somewhere between the navel and breastbone and is usually at its worst when the stomach is empty.
Other symptoms of stomach ulcers include indigestion, nausea, constant vomiting, and loud burping.
If the ulcer is bleeding, then the stool will be either dark red or black like tar, which is another symptom of not only an ulcer, but a bleeding ulcer, which needs to be checked out by a doctor immediately.
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