Renal failure
Renal (ren - Latin for kidney) failure is a conditionwhere the kidneys are unable to purify the blood from various wastefound in it. This waste can be metabolic waste - leftovers frommetabolic processes, typically unnecessary or harmful substances,dead cells, spent non-cellular matter and similar. Or, unneededingredients from consumed and absorbed foods and liquids. Other namesfor renal failure are chronic kidney disease and chronic renalfailure.
Renal failure is a gradual process, as it usuallyadvances slowly over time. there are people who will eventually endup with total renal failure (or end-stage renal failure) and willneed dialysis treatments, as their kidneys can not purify blood atall and a dialysis machine is then used to separate waste from other,good components of the blood.
Renal failure is typically caused by diabetes andhigh blood pressure, but might be the result of various other healthproblems.
Renal failure diet
This diet aims to regulate amount of protein andphosphorus in the diet of people who suffer from renal failure.Amount of sodium in the diet is also limited in some cases. Bysticking to renal failure diet, people with renal failure decreasethe amount of waste found in blood and make it easier for the kidneysto do their job. This might also delay total renal failure. Such dietis to be changed according to changes in health condition and onsetor curing of other health conditions.
How to get used to renal diet?
It might not be easy. or smooth to switch to aspecific diet. Tell your family or friends about the diet, so thatthey can remind you of the diet, know what not to offer you, andprovide you support. Make a list of allowed foods and keep it handy.Be sure to use as much of allowed foods in your diets as possible, soyou don't get bored by monotonous diet. Consult a nutritionspecialist.
Changes you can expect
Your diet will contain limited amount of protein,which means less meat, eggs and dairy products. Remember thatproteins are essential foods and that "limited" means thatyou should consume a certain amount, but no more. A specialist willtell you how much.
Excess phosphorus in the blood, caused by kidneyfailure, causes withdrawal of calcium from the bones (to balance thecalcium-phosphorus ratio) and they will become weak. You will limitintake of dairy products, beans, peas and nuts, cocoa, beer andvarious fizzy drinks according to specialist's advice.
Intake of sodium is also limited, as excess sodiumcauses high blood pressure or retention of fluid in the organism.Table salt, canned foods, processed meats, soups, and salted snacksare high in sodium and should be avoided. Limitinghigh sodium foods and table salt in diet is advised.
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