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We will discuss about one of the oldest and most popular treatment concepts in psychiatry. The psychoanalysis can be called talking cure or talking therapy. These names are derived due to the fact that this kind of treatment relies on the verbal communication between the patient and the therapist. The fact remains that talking about problems can relive the strain caused by these problems and this is what psychoanalytic therapy is based on. Many mental disorders are cured with the help of this therapy, developed by Sigmund Freud.

Psychoanalytic Therapy

Human development and human mentation is described by the term psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic therapy. They are used to detect the feelings and thoughts that influence the person's behavior. It is crucial to detect these factors and treat them, since they may lead to neuroses. The human psychological behavior and functioning and using them for treatment are what interest the psychoanalysis. Modern psychoanalysis, inter-subjective psychoanalysis, interpersonal psychoanalysis, self-psychology, object relations therapy, conflict theory, ego psychology and topographic are some theories that are included in the psychotherapy. This theory was developed in the 1890s by the Sigmund Freud, who was an Austrian neurologist.


The human behavior and mind investigation can be done with the help from psychoanalysis and this is something that most therapists are doing. Emotional and psychological illnesses are mostly examined by this therapy. They are based on the thoughts, unconscious feelings and events from the childhood. There are topics the patient discusses about with the therapist and some of them are fantasies, dreams, feelings and thoughts responsible for the development of mental problems. The problem is also created due to the unconscious conflicts and this is something the therapist will show to the patient and hopefully understand the problem. Borderline personality disorder, anxiety disorder and other problems may be treated with the help from the psychoanalytical therapy.


The fact stands that there are a lot of people who will hide some information from the therapist and this is one of the basis of criticism associated with this theory. Also, since people who come to the therapist think that they do not have problems, they willingly restrain from telling important information. Also, this therapy is based on ambiguities of data, it is expensive, lasts long and lacks of empirical evidences. Although the chairs are used now and the frequency of the visits is reduced, the effectiveness remains the same. But we cannot disregard that many studies have acclaimed the effectiveness of this therapy and many therapists as well.

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