Introduction to lower jaw painThe jaw is referred to as the mandible in medical fields and there are various things that can lead to jaw pain.
There are underlying medical problems unrelated to the jaw that can cause it pain, but there are also times when stress can also lead to pain and discomfort of the jaw.
Sometimes jaw pain might go away without even seeking medical attention. Lower jaw pain can be caused by things such as arthritis, fractures, whiplash-related injuries, dislocations or structural issues that a person might have been born with.
There are symptoms that a person should look for when they have lower jaw pain, because be looking at the symptoms, it will become easier to identify the actual problem.
Some common symptoms that can point to a problem with the lower jaw include a popping jaw, sore jaw, aches, locked jaw, or dislocation.
If these symptoms are occurring, then the problem will probably be able to be cured completely naturally.
It is also possible that the jaw pain is linked to heart problems. If you believe that this might be an issue, then it is important to get the heart checked out right away.
If it is not heart-related, then there are other options that should be looked into, but in any case, it is most important to go visit a doctor and let him or her know of the symptoms you have in order to be able to diagnose and treat the problem with the lower jaw.
Possible causes
One of the most common causes of lower jaw pain is a broken or dislocated jaw. Symptoms of a dislocated jaw can include pain in the face or near the lower part of the ear, trouble when trying to close the mouth, having a hard time trying to speak, drooling, and a protruding jaw, which makes the teeth appear to be unaligned.
If you have this problem, the pain might intensify when a person is eating, and there might be additional jaw stiffness, facial numbness, loose teeth, bleeding from the mouth, or some type of visible lump in the cheek or jaw.
When the jaw is broken, it is also possible that there will be facial bruising and swelling, numbness and difficulty trying to open the mouth.
This injury usually occurs from some type of trauma, like a direct blow to the jaw during a sporting event, or perhaps during a different type of injury – for example, one that could have been sustained in a car accident.
In order to remedy this, the doctor will give the patient an anesthetic and then try to put the law back into place, and in the most serious injuries, there will probably be surgery needed in order to fix the jaw and to keep it stable and in place while it heals up.
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