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As we grow older, we tend to gradually lose our hearing. In fact, Americans who are between 65 and 75 years old are likely to experience some sort of hearing impairment. Also, 50% of people older than 75 are bound to go through the same process.

During our lives we get exposed to numerous noise sources and this leads to hearing loss in the long run. Additionally, over-accumulation of earwax can make matters worse. Once permanent hearing loss takes place, there is nothing you can do to restore it. However, before than happens, you can do your best to prevent this negative phenomenon by choosing a quiet living environment and consulting with your doctor timely.

Signs of Hearing Loss

When people suffer from hearing loss, they tend to show certain changes in their behavior. For example, they may be prone to mumbling and low quality of speech. Also, they might have difficulties in understanding words, especially when these are uttered in noisy conditions. People with hearing impairment may commonly ask others to talk slowly and clearly, due to the fact that they cannot understand other people's speech. Additionally, they may always turn the volume of audio and video devices up or even refuse to take part in conversations with others. Alternatively, they may not want to spend time in environment which further decreases their impaired hearing abilities.

However, as soon as a person notices than his/her hearing is getting worse, he/she should seek medical assistance.

Treatment for Hearing Loss

The success of any hearing impairment treatment depends on the severity of the problem itself. If excessive ear wax is the problem, your doctor may remove it by oil loosening, flushing, scooping or suctioning.

On the other hand, if your inner ear is damaged, leading to hearing impairment, your doctor may recommend a hearing aid. An audiologist will provide you more information on the positive aspects of these devices, helping you get the perfect one for your needs. In some cases, a simple, cheap hearing aid may be all you need. However, sometimes, you may require a high quality product of this type.

Finally, severe hearing impairment may be treated by cochlear implants which will make up for the loss your inner ear has suffered. Again, if you are interested in this type of aid, consult your doctor and get all the information you need.

However, bear in mind that preventing hearing loss is better than fixing an ongoing problem. Keep your ears safe in a loud environment by wearing ear plugs or avoiding situations where you are exposed to loud noise. Also, have your hearing tested and react timely if an impairment of any sort is at hand.

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