Changes Caused by Bone Cancer
Apart from pain which is common for all case of bone caner (no matter if the person suffers from primary or secondary bone cancer) other symptoms and signs generally depend on the affected bone, number of bone metastases and several more factors.
Bones affected by the tumor are generally prone to fractures, although some tumors may develop in a form of sclerotic masses. Lysis of the affected bone always leads to increase of calcium in the blood. Hypercalcemia initiates nausea, constipation, excessive thirst and may lead to confusion.
Rapid of gradual growth of newly formed tumors masses compress the surrounding tissues and this results in a variety of different symptoms and signs. For example, compression of the spinal cord and spinal nerves may cause severe neurological problems.
Hormonal Therapy for Bone Cancer
Hormonal therapy for bone cancer is generally recommended to people suffering from the secondary bone cancer in whom the tumor originates from the breast or the prostate.
It is known that human body generates numerous hormones which are then used for many purposes. It is scientifically proven that certain hormones may be effective in case of breast and prostate cancer.
Hormonal therapy is able to lower the level of certain hormones associated with the two cancers or it can prevent exploitation of hormones by cancer cells. The result is evident in a form of reduction of growth of the tumor masses or even complete control and cessation of tumor cell division. The major beneficial effect of such therapy is reduction in pain caused by the tumor.
Patients can be recommended different hormonal therapies which act differently and are not suitable for all types of cancer. The doctor recommends the most convenient treatment after taking into consideration different factors. Hormonal therapy in cancer patients is administered in a form of tablets or injections.
Hormonal Therapy for Bone Cancer - Side Effects
This treatment modality may have side effects which, are in general, easily dealt with. The most commonly reported side effects are flushes and sweats. The doctor may opt for discontinuation of the medications in case of severe side effects or replacement of the drug with a suitable substitute.
- www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/bone-cancer
- www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/ConditionsAndTreatments/bone-cancer?viewAsPdf=true
- Photo courtesy of Cancer research UK by Wikimedia Commons: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Diagram_showing_stage_2A_bone_cancer_CRUK_211.svg
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