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Wisdom teeth are extracted by a dentist. The very procedure is performed at the dentist's office or a surgeon's office. In case of surgery it may be even performed in the hospital. The hospitalization is required in case all wisdom teeth are pulled out at the same time and if the risk of complications is increased. Wisdom tooth extraction is performed only if there is no inflammation and infection of the particular tooth.

Extraction of Wisdom Teeth - the Very Procedure

Prior the procedure a patient is administered local anesthesia. It eliminates the pain that commonly occurs during the procedure. General anesthesia is required only in case several or even all wisdom teeth are extracted at the same time.

Once the patient's oral cavity is numbed the doctor makes a cut in the gum tissue over the tooth and takes out the bone that covers the wisdom tooth. The tissue that connects the tooth to the bone is separated and the tooth is eventually removed. In some cases the tooth must be cut into smaller pieces which makes extraction easier. After tooth extraction some patients require stitches. The dentists generally use the stitches capable of dissolving on their own. If the doctor uses non-dissolvable stitches they are removed a few days after the surgery.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction - after the Surgery

In majority of patients the recovery after wisdom tooth extraction lasts a few days. During this period of time patients generally take pain relieving medications since it is normal to experience a certain amount of postoperative pain. Patients are due to follow doctor's orders and act accordingly.

They are advised to bite gently on the gauze pad and change it once it becomes soaked with blood. In case bleeding does not stop within 24 hours after the surgery the person must consult his/ her doctor immediately. Bleeding may be prolonged if one lies flat. The head is supposed to be propped up with pillows.

The anesthesia makes the inside of the oral cavity numb. This carries an increased risk for biting the cheeks, lips or tongue.

During the first 24 hours the person may use ice packs. They are applied to the outside of the cheek. No physical activity is allowed for a few days. The food that the patients eat must be soft and of moderate temperature. They will gradually introduce solid foods into the diet. It is also essential not to use a straw during the first several days. By sucking a straw blood clot that closes the wound may dislodge and delay healing. And finally, smokers must not smoke for at least 24 hours after the tooth extraction.

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