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Fibromyalgia syndrome in children

Fibromyalgia syndrome is not that uncommon in the United States. More that 5 million people are affected by it and one out of every six is under 18 years of age. Symptoms of fibromyalgia are pain and sleep problems and they can have a huge effect on a child's life because his or her health and life quality are endangered. It is very important to diagnose this syndrome in its early stages.

Diagnosis of fibromyalgia in children

It is easy to mistake these symptoms for the symptoms of some other disease. This is why it is so hard to diagnose it in both children and adults. These symptoms usually develop during puberty and it is known that girls are more affected than the boys. The first symptom a parent can look for is whether a child is experiencing sleep problems. If this is the case, it's a sign that the child may have developed the syndrome. Since fibromyalgia has a genetic component, those children whose parents have this syndrome will have an even greater chance of ending up with the same disease. Another clue in determining whether a child has fibromyalgia is, if the child easily catches colds easily or is chronically tired. Parents should not neglect the fact that their children are having unreasonable or relentless pain which can be a sign of fibromyalgia and a doctor should be consulted.

Fibromyalgia treatment for children

The type of treatment is the same with both children and adults. Although, the improvement is a lot faster with children who can even outgrow it. Unfortunately, these cases are rare. Education, therapy, medication, exercise and diet are the parts of the treatment process. Education can help both the parent and the child because by learning to understand it you are able to treat it better. An important part of the treatment is medication. Some medications will help a child sleep more easily and some can lessen the pain caused by this disease. Swimming, walking and biking are some exercises that can better a child's condition. Tips for parents of children with fibromyalgia
It is essential that a parent talks to his or her child about the disease. It would also help if the parent learns more from talking to a doctor first. The important thing is to help the child stay positive. A parent may speak about the disease to close family and friends. This is good because it will lessen the feeling of shame or inadequacy, if there are any. Joining a support group may be of help as well.

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