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Are you preparing to have IVF? An IVF cycle is rather invasive overall, and with everything involved the actual embryo transfer can seem like the lightest part of the treatment. Still, many women are worried about what they can and can't do following the embryo transfer. What activities are safe, what should you avoid, and when after the embryo transfer can you return to your normal level of activity?

Let's start with the dos...

There are varying opinions and studies on whether or not stress affects the chances of an embryo "sticking" or not. Still, I think we can all agree that keeping a positive attitude about your embryo transfer and your chances of getting pregnant will help. Panicking about another cycle without a positive pregnancy test doesn't make you feel good, and staying optimistic may actually increase your chances of a pregnancy.

Staying hydrated, and eating healthy foods that are easy on the digestive system are both beneficial after embryo transfer. You know best what foods agree with you, but ask your healthcare team if you have any questions. Taking it easy is a good idea in the days following the transfer, but light walks and stretching are healthy for you. In the meantime, you should also follow your doctor's instructions with regard to medication strictly.

And now for the don'ts

Stay away from strenuous sports, but also from heavy mental activity if possible. Things that can put you at risk of uterine infection include swimming in public pools or the sea, but also sexual intercourse. These activities should be avoided right until you are ready to take your pregnancy test. Overheating negatively impacts the chances that your embryo or embryos will implant properly, so hot baths are another no-no.

Women who have just had embryos transferred to their uterus have the same things to take into consideration as any other woman trying to get pregnant as well, obviously. Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes are a bad idea, and you should take any drugs that are not prescribed or OK-ed by your fertility doctor.

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