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Don’t Hide Things from Your Doctor

Most medical care professionals strongly advise that individuals play an active role in their health. In order to do that, it is recommended that a person finds a doctor with whom an open relationship is possible. The primary health care provider should be informed about any past and present medical problems or concerns. The more information he or she is provided with the more equipped they are to offer adequate help. In addition, during a check up, the doctor needs to know about all the symptoms, signs, and changes a person has been experiencing. Many patients keep a heath journal in order to better communicate information to the doctor. Any over-the-counter medications or dietary supplements should be taken with a primary health care’s approval, but in case the doctor does not already know about them a regular check up would be a good time to tell him. In case these drugs generate an adverse effect on health the doctor needs to be aware of it. Other relevant information such as scanning images, past test results or records can be communicated. Additional information which is always useful includes details from the personal life which may be causing stress, depression, or anxiety.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask

It is imperative that individuals who go to see their doctors feel comfortable to ask questions. There are often cases in which the patient does not completely understand the situation, but unless he or she speaks up the doctor will assume everything is clear. In instances in which the patient already has questions before the check up it is often advised that they be written down to make sure nothing is forgotten. Many people opt for prioritizing the questions and asking them in specific order. It is possible that the doctor does not have enough time available so the patient should either talk to a nurse or make another appointment. If the patient wrote down questions he or she should take down the answers as well so that information is taken home. Many individuals, such as younger people or the elderly, choose to bring a family member or a close friend to the appointment to take notes and make sure everything is clear and remembered. Many medical offices provide pamphlets with information so it is usually advised that every patient takes one home and reads it. Further, any information such as advice or instructions which the doctor provides need to be obeyed and followed up. After a certain amount of time has passed it is recommended that the patient informs the doctor of any progress and changes. Also, if there are hold ups with test results, or if the changes in health are for the worse, it is crucial that the doctor be made aware so proper courses of action can be taken. It is also important that the patient trusts the primary health care provider. Unless there is open communication and trust it is difficult to have a constructive relationship and be proactive when it comes to one’s own health. Having a mutually respected relationship is very important for achieving optimal results. It is often a good idea to ask a friend or a family member if they know of a good doctor who is taking new patients. Having someone recommend a medical care professional can be highly beneficial as close people know the patients’ needs and concern when it comes to finding a good doctor.

Special Concerns for Teens

The adolescent stage is life can be very stressful and depressing. Individuals who do not have a trustworthy or empathic doctor are not able to communicate their feelings and concerns about the physical and mental health as are those who do have a good health care professional. There is a wide range of topics for which a doctor would be a good source of information. For instance, education on unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases can be acquired from one’s doctor or nurse. Teens are particularly concerned with talking about embarrassing parts of their lives such as sex, weight problems, body odor, and so on. There are instances in which the doctor is required to examine the genitals or the breasts. Having a doctor the teenage patient trusts is very important. Notwithstanding, there are some things every individual should keep in mind every time they feel discomfort or embarrassment at a doctor’s office. Regardless of what the problem is the doctor has dealt with it before. Also, medical care providers are professionals who offer help rather than judgment. Doctors are glad to offer help as it is their job to keep the patients healthy. However, they are unable to help unless the patients give them all the possible information so it is in everyone’s best interest to find a constructive way to deal with embarrassment or discomfort.

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