What Do You Know about CHF and Depression?
Congestive heart failure is a very common chronic medicalproblem. Just in the USA, there are some 5 million of people suffering fromthis medical condition. Another half of a million of Americans get diagnosedevery year with the same health problem.
The heart of these patients is unable to supply the bloodflow required by the body, so these patients may experience various symptoms. Coughingand shortness of breath are very common among these people, as well as someswelling of the ankles, venous congestion and intolerance to exercise.
CHF, as this disease is also well known may cause slightproblems to the person experiencing it, while in some other cases, this maybecome severely disabling medical problem. People suffering from CHF may befaced with serious lifestyle adjustment to the disease. Many of their normaleveryday activities may become compromised or even completely impossible due tothe disease they are diagnosed with. CHF patients may get some medications, to decrease the accumulationof the fluid and work of their heart, which can lead to anxiety and tiredness. Also,these patients are advised to change their diet. They should avoid salty andfatty food, and completely cut red meat from the menu. Additionally, doctorsmay require the limitation of the fluid intake in these people.
Physical condition and abilities are also oftensignificantly lowered in patients suffering from chronic heart failure, as wellas their work. In most of the cases, these patients have to stop workingbecause of the disease. All these problems may leave CHF patients feeling verylonely, desperate and inadequate, and many of them have to face depression andanxiety caused by the changes in their lives.
Management of Depression
Depression or anxiety medications are frequently prescribedfor people suffering from CHF, to manage psychological problems they have. Alternativetreatments that can be used instead of the drugs have become more popularrecently. These may include either individual or group counseling or some newermethods, like Erycsonian hypnosis (hypnotherapy), Flash method orneuro-linguistic programming (better known as NLP).
Newer techniques are proven to be less expensive but moreefficient for patients coping with depression caused by the chronic heartfailure. People reported they learned to relax and find harmony and peacefulnessin their normal life, because these techniques strive to teach them how to liveto the fullest with the newfound restrictions in their lives.
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