However strange the fact may sound, misinterpreted medical conditions seam to be more prone to women.Misguiding a single piece of information may lead to many wrong diagnosis and treatments, making the whole problem really serious. Women tend to get wrongly diagnosed or even ignored regarding certain illnesses far more often than men.
The Conditions Questioned
Women's medical history has, through the development of medicine and the experience of it as well, been connected with conditions such as breast and ovarian cancers and similar. However, during this process and the theory of frequency, many other conditions got neglected. That is one of the main reasons why women are misdiagnosed and treated for wrong illnesses.
First of all, there are heart problems. While sharp chest pain and breathing difficulties often present heart problems for men, women are mysteriously diagnosed with anxiety, stress or similar problems, as if their hearts are immune to the above mentioned conditions.
Remarkably, the researches show that more women die from heart attacks or other coronary conditions than they do from breast or other cancers. That being said, wrong diagnoses are present and represent a threat. Since male and female organisms do vary, further tests should be done before giving wrong diagnosis, in order to rule out all the possible life-threatening mistakes.
Secondly, often thought to be lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme's disease and many others, fibromyalgia gets misdiagnosed. A rare and a hard-to-pinpoint disease, this condition, manifesting through pain, irritation and hypersensitivity of one's skin as well as numerous sleeping disorders, often gets ruled out although present.
Thyroid disease and conditions add on to the list of those which tend to be ignored when it comes to women. However, a frightening fact that 1 in every 8 women suffers from this condition sometime in her life, gives us a clear reason to look closer into it. The thyroid gland may either start overproducing hormones or it may reduce the production of them. Each of the two conditions has different and most often opposite symptoms. Namely, weight gain, fatigue and dry skin are some of numerous signs of hypothyroidism. On the other hand, weight loss, nervousness and hot flashes are a well known marks of hyperthyroidism. In both cases, however, medical attention is needed throughout the the entire course of the condition, from diagnosis to treatment.
Finally, all these mentioned above serve the same purpose. They are conditions mostly overlooked in women but present in their reality. Women should get more informed about the symptoms and ask their doctors for additional checks if they doubt the given diagnosis. Also, doctors should take into consideration all the factors and conditions, restraining themselves from any medical sexism.
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