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The heart pumps fresh, oxygenated blood throughout our body. Blood pumped by the heart is circulated through our arteries and veins, and blood pressure refers to the amount of force require to successfully maintain this circulation. When the blood pressure is pushed to a consistently higher rate of pumping, this is known as high blood pressure, or hypertension.

Benign hypertension is essentially a milder version of high blood pressure. With this type of hypertension, the raised level of blood pressure is not enough to cause noticeable ill health. This is a result of the gradual increase in blood pressure that occurs over the years. The word ‘benign’ in fact refers to the gradual nature of the hypertension.


Unlike most diseases or conditions, benign hypertension is asymptomatic. You may not experience any symptoms or notice any real change in your bodily condition or overall health. This fact makes it very difficult to successfully diagnose the condition.

However, this does not mean that benign hypertension is not a dangerous or harmless condition. Any raising of blood pressure to above normal levels can be harmful, so even if the condition is seen as being mild, it should not be taken lightly. Benign hypertension is harmful, and should be treated as such.

Benign hypertension, as indicated, gradually builds up the level of blood pressure. As a result, it can potentially lead to the gradual deterioration of vital organs like the kidneys or the heart. Thus, benign hypertension can be a silent but deadly killer. It becomes all the more dangerous as a result of its asymptomatic nature. By the time the condition has been identified, blood pressure might already have been raised significantly.

For example, imagine the condition begins to develop at around the age 25. The blood pressure will rise and rise over the years. This process can easily last 20 years, so when one hits the age of 45, the condition will have been worsening and developing every day of the last two decades. Thus, blood pressure might have risen significantly without the patient even noticing. At this point, if the condition is not treated correctly, stroke and heart attack can occur as a result of the body’s inability to tolerate any further rise in blood pressure.Prevention

The best way to avoid the occurrence of this condition is to regularly have your blood pressure checked. This is the only way to identify benign hypertension. You will be able to stave off the onset of hypertension through the maintenance of a healthy diet and a proper exercise regime. Be sure to avoid excess alcohol consumption and smoking.

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