How to recognize Achilles tendonitis?
Achilles tendonitis is not a serious condition, but it canbe very painful and it can cause problems due to the fact that the person inquestion won’t be able to perform some simple activities. It occurs when the Achilles tendon is inflamed eitherdue to some injury or due to the overuse while exercising, jumping, orperforming some other straining activity. The signs that usually indicate thisproblem are pain above the heel or at the back side of the leg after some sportactivity, pain that becomes more severe after climbing stairs, sprinting orsimilar activities, stiffness and tenderness in the affected area, as well asmild swelling of the tendon in question. Some of these symptoms are mostlypresent in the morning, but they generally improve after some mild activity. Still,it is recommended to see a doctor because some other condition might be thereason for the occurrence of these symptoms, and the sooner the problem is diagnosed the betterchances of faster healing are.
Which exercises can help in cases of Achilles tendon?
The greatest majority of the cases does not require surgery and can be treated with medications, or self-care strategy that consists ofrest, ice, compression and elevation, but it is important to know that some exercisesthat strengthen and stretch the area in question help in faster recovery and inprevention of this problem in the future.
Calf stretch helps in releasing the strain on the tendon andit is done in a standing position, leaned forward with the palms on the wall atthe level of the head. The person then steps forward with one leg and bends theknee of the other leg only a little, enough to increase the depth of thestretch. The position is to be held for some 15 seconds, and then the person should return to theinitial position and switch the feet.Stretching with knees straight requires from a person tolean against a wall while the heels are both on the ground and knees are keptstraight, in order to stretch the upper part of the calf.Calf raise helps in strengthening the Achilles tendon andlarge calf muscle, as well as in providing support to the calf and ankle. It isdone in a standing position with the distance between the feet as it iscomfortable. The person then raises himself or herself onto the balls of thefeet, making sure that the heels are lifted from the floor by using thestrength of the calf muscles.Other helpful exercises are leg lifts, heel raise, towelstretch, and step-ups.
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