Ventricular Fibrillation
Heart can sometimes beat rapidly and when this happens, condition called ventricular fibrillation occurs. This condition produces some symptoms that cannot be considered as normal, because heart beats very rapidly and the contraction of ventricles is ineffective. Then the muscles start to quiver, and they do not contract as they should. This problem is usually found in the lower heart chambers. When the problem is present pumping mechanism cannot move the blood that has to be removed from the heart. Arrhythmia is another name used for the rapid pulsing of the heart. This condition can be very serious and can endanger a person’s life so the treatment will need to be performed immediately.
Causes and Symptoms of Ventricular Fibrillation
As in any other condition, the cause has to be determined in order to find appropriate and effective treatment. Since this condition can be very harmful, this is even more crucial then usually. Some of the most common causes for the ventricular fibrillation include cardiac death, arrhythmia, ischemic disease, electrocution, drowning, cardiac arrest, heart attack, congenital heart disease, pulmonary embolism, hypothermia, heart surgery, reduced consciousness level, unstable angina, heart muscle disorder, and cardiomyopathy.
At the beginning, problems such as dizziness, rapid heartbeat, pain in the chest area, nausea and breath shortness are experienced, but after these, patients can lose a conscience which usually happens just before a seizure. The treatment is very important, because otherwise, there is a chance you will suffer an irreversible brain damage. Collapses are also a possibility and if by some chance they happen, cardiac arrest can occur. If this occurs, pupils get dilated and person becomes very pale. Further problems that may be produces also include weak pulse and zero blood pressure and heartbeat. Undiagnosed heart problems diabetes high level of cholesterol, hypertension and cancer can accompany ventricular fibrillation.
Diagnosis and The Treatment
Death can occur if the treatment is not received in the early stage of the condition. When a person is admitted to the hospital, advanced cardiac life support and basic life support are used if a case is serious. The graph of the VF is important since the fine rhythm on the graph means the condition can be treated and vice versa.
Instruments like implantable electric defibrillator and electric defibrillator can be helpful, since they can monitor and check the symptoms. By the use of the energy from these instruments an attack can be deflected. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation begins after the ventricular fibrillation, and this method consists of several chest massages which will help with the heartbeat. Medicines which can be used are novo-amiodarone rhoxal-amiodarone, gen-amiodarone and alti-amiodarone.
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