Cyclothymia or cyclothymia disorder is one of the mood disorders and is not as severe as, for example, bipolar II disorder. Cyclothymia is a characterized with mild depressive and mania phases, while between these two stages, the person usually feels well. Hypomanic cyclothymia stage has its well-recognized signs, such as increased physical activity, rapid speech, euphoria, great optimism, and sleeplessness. Agitation and aggressive behavior are also very frequent in this phase of cyclothymia. The person who suffers from this usually has increased sexual drive and often is not able to concentrate. Furthermore, the person is inconsiderate towards others or has poor judgment. Racing thoughts and risky behavior are also symptoms of hypomanic cyclothymia. In the cases when the person has these symptoms such as suicidal thoughts, sadness, anxiety, guilt, then he or she is in the depressive phase of cyclothymia disorder. In addition to these symptoms, many others may occur, for example, decreased sexual drive, appetite problems, hopelessness and chronic pain without any apparentreason. Of all these symptoms, the most dangerous and serious is related to the suicidal thought. In this case, it is extremely important to call somebody, a friend, a doctor, or some clinic, or the person that is confident.
Thereasons why a cyclothymia appears are not still established. This disorder can be inherited, or it appears as a result of some chemical changes in thebrain. Having been established cyclothymia must be treated, since otherwise it can lead to the serious bipolar disorders and can have extremely negative effect on the emotional life of the person who suffers from this kind of emotional disorder. The physician must do some tests before diagnosing cyclothymia. These tests are physical test, laboratory test, and psychologicalassessment.
It is very important to take medications correctly and consistently in order to control cyclothymia and prevent hypomania and depression. Medications used for this disorder can be divided into four groups: mood stabilizers, anti-seizure medications, antidepressants, and other medications. High blood pressure,is increase in the weight, and diabetes are the most common side effects that can appear while using the medication for cyclothymia. Cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, group therapy, and social rhythmic therapy are four types of psychotherapy which is, beside medications, one of the most effective ways to treat cyclothymia. Cyclothymia is a disorder that accompanies a person throughout the life and the person must pay attention to it even when it is in the better state. It is recommended to avoid and not to consume alcohol or any illegal drugs because they can cause cyclothymia. It is important to consult the doctor always before using some drugs for treating this disorder.
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