Sleep Paralysis - General Info
Sleep paralysis is a specific condition in which the person is simply unable to move the body or limbs during the onset of sleep or upon wakening. The condition either affects normal subjects or develops due to other medical conditions such as narcolepsy, cataplexy or hypnagogic hallucinations. Although the actual cause of sleep paralysis has not been identified yet it is confirmed that it may run in families.
Sleep paralysis is not considered a serious medical condition. However, people suffering from the condition may feel fear because they do not known what is happening to them. After waking up the person needs several minutes to move again. The problem occurs once in a lifetime or becomes recurrent.
Sleep Paralysis Treatment
The goal of the treatment for sleep paralysis is to reduce stress. This way symptoms of the condition can be brought under control. Only in severe form of the disease patients are prescribed medications. The most commonly administered drug in such patients is Sodium oxybate.
All patients suffering from sleep paralysis are due to learn to recognize the symptoms, identify the triggers or the condition and avoid them, have regular sleep and try to relax as much as possible.
By recognizing the symptoms the person has better chance to deal with them. The symptoms vary from patient to patient and with proper identification one will know how to behave and what to do. It is also good to consult another person suffering from the condition and exchange experience. This gives better insight in the condition.
One more necessity is to identify the triggers. Once they are properly clarified they can be successfully avoided. For example, if sleep paralysis is induced by sleeping on the back one may prevent symptoms by sleeping on the side or stomach.
Regular sleep is essential for prevention of sleep paralysis. In case of regular sleep patterns the body gets plenty of sleep and the occurrence of sleep paralysis drastically reduces. Even proper relaxation may eliminate stress and prevent sleep paralysis from occurring.
Even though the symptom first occur during teenage years, they may completely withdraw until one turns 30. So the process of aging reduces both, the intensity and recurrence of the condition.
Apart from the previously mentioned all patients suffering from sleep paralysis must lead healthy life. They are due to have well balanced diet, to learn how to breathe properly and try to avoid stress as much as possible. If they cannot avoid stress (which is most commonly the case) they should learn how to cope with it and at least keep it under control.
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