The report also said that there is a significantly higher rate of premature births with IVF, and noted that 5 percent of the general population had birth defects, while IVF-lings have a three times higher instance. Parents who have had children with the help of IVF must be quite worried when they read all the negative reports about medical risks and IVF. But there is some good news, too. The researchers said that there doesn't appear to be an increased risk of health problems by age 12, and they did say that most IVF kids ended up being totally healthy. What could explain the higher risk of complications? Well, according to the report, a number of factors play a role. "The poor birth outcomes and complications may be a combination of treatment and underlying features of the couple such as older maternal age. However, treatment strategies can be altered to improve outcomes such as the adoption of elective single embryo transfer."
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