Hypomania is a psychological disorder where a person is in a special state of mind. A person with hypomania is overactive, has no need to rest or sleep, and is extremely talkative. Sometimes such person can be very creative and sometimes irritable. When this kind of mood lasts for over four days, we can say that the person has hypomania. The main difference between hypomania and mania is in the fact that mania is a psychotic disorder which is usually one episode of bipolar disorder and hypomania is not that severe and its duration is a lot shorter. People with this disorder can’t realize that something is wrong with them, they are functioning quite well, and they are more productive than usual. If this condition is not treated, it can be developed into mania or depression. As this is not a psychotic disorder there are no hallucinations and a person lives in reality. Unfortunately, the ones who suffer from hypomania don’t have inhibitions and are not aware of what they can and what they can’t do. Because of that, they easily get into risky situations thinking that they can do everything and that the outcome of their actions will be successful. They also have desires which must be fulfilled immediately, and, if not so, they get very upset.
It is not easy to diagnose hypomania because of the similarity with normal happiness. The significance of diagnosing this condition is great, because in that way we could prevent episode of depression that may occur and even suicide. Hypomania can easily transform into mania if we don’t react on time and treat it. Mania is usually followed by periods of depression that come after manic periods. One person in a hundred suffers from bipolar affective disorder and it affects both men and women equally. Hypomania is treated the same way as mania, and the medications that are used are lithium, Tigerton, Depakote, Topeka, Lamictil and Neuron tin. Omega 3 fish oils can be helpful in some cases. Bipolar disorder is a type of disorder that usually gets worse over time, which is why the prevention is very important. If a person has two or more episodes in a period of five years, then she or he has a good chance to benefit from preventative treatments.Manic episode lasts for about two months and there is a high possibility that the episodes will be repeating during time, because that is the case with bipolar disorder. It is interesting that there were, and are many famous musicians with this condition.
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