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Painful knees in the children is most likely to be a matter of no significance. Children tend to be restless and run around a lot, therefore they get small injuries all the time and painful knees are frequently just some of them. However, if the pain in the knees continues beyond a week’s time, it is definitely a sign to consult a doctor and discover what the pain is regarding to.

Pain in the knees caused by Osgood Schlatters Disease

Pain in the knees in children can often be related to Osgood Schlatters disease. Aside from the pain, another symptom of this disease is the appearance of a single small lump in a position which is just slightly under the kneecap, as well as swelling and soreness. It commonly affects both boys and girls around puberty, especially during different physical activities which are typical for children, such as running around and jumping, and also during sporting activities, including sports like basketball or soccer. The pain is treated with some cold compresses and ice packages. If it happens to be too difficult for the child to bear, the parents shouldn’t hesitate to offer them pain-relieving medications. Also, sometimes a knee modifier or an elastic bandage will be required to support the area.

Pain in the knees caused by Parapatellar Knee PainSyndrome

Parapatellar knee pain syndrome is characterized by vague pain in the kneecap area. This syndrome usually occurs when the child suffers a direct hit in their kneecap, usually resulting from a fall. The condition may not be recognized straight away, and children’s regular daily physical activities that include running, jumping, and climbing all over the place, which all involve Flexing the kneecaps, will only enhance the amount of pain in the area. This condition is treated with anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen, which are very helpful in relieving the unpleasant symptoms.

Pain in the knees caused by Osteochondritis Dissecans

What happens when the condition Osteochondritis Dissecans is diagnosed is that the connection tissue of the bones in the knees splits from the rest of the body. The knee is then left with insufficient stability in the joint, and followed by a considerable amount of pain in the surrounding area, as well as swelling. This kind of injury is considered to be somewhat more serious, as it can potentially require a surgical procedure in order to fix the problem. Still, this is not always the case, and sometimes it can gradually heal by itself.

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